Administration » School Staff

School Staff

Ciera Agee
Math, 6th Grade
Zachary Alridge
Cyber Foundations II, 7th Grade
Emilia Bankston
U.S. History, 7th Grade
Donnette Beasley
Art & Yearbook
Angela Brenneis
Special Education, Science
Alexis Burrell
Garrett Caldarelli
Mississippi Studies & Health - 8th Grade
Jennifer Carden
Science, 7th Grade
Garrett Clement
Show Choir & Music
Lynette Cooper
Cyber Foundations I, 6th Grade
Karen Corley
Library & Media Specialist
Assistant Testing Coordinator
Electives Department Chair
Aaron Dunklin
Computer Science, 8th Grade
Tiffany Green
English & Language Arts, 6th & 7th Grade
Lisa Harvey
Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
John Hopkins
Middle School Band Director
Assistant High School Band Director
Callie Huffman
English & Language Arts, 7th Grade
Robin Isabelle
Special Education Department Chair
Kaleb Jefcoat
X-Stream, 6th - 8th Grade
Paula Lacoste
Gifted Education, 6th - 8th Grade
Jennifer McDevitt
Math, 8th Grade
Math Department Chair
Robin Meinka
Math, 7th Grade
Ashley Patterson
Math, 6th & 7th Grade
Tisha Posey
Jennifer Rickett
English & Language Arts, 8th Grade
Ann Roth
Special Education, English & Language Arts
Charlene Stephens
World History, 6th Grade
Social Studies Department Chair
Jeannie Van Alstyne
Science, 8th Grade
Science Department Chair
Marcoe Walker
English & Language Arts, 6th Grade
English & Language Arts Department Chair
Erin Webb
Special Education, 6th - 8th Grade
Amber White
Science, 6th Grade
Marcus Whitfield
Physical Education
Bridgett Williams
Special Education, Math
Mykeal Hall
Teacher Assistant, Physical Education
Erinn McKay
Front Office Secretary
Jackie McWilliams
School Nurse
Tiffaney Morgan
Teacher Assistant, Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Charles Shoulders
In School Isolation Monitor
Alexandra Williams
Teacher Assistant, Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Patrick Williams
School Resource Officer